Sunday, December 22, 2013

Final we hope revised play of the day Schedule

                                      Hi again Ladies   

Nancy just sent me the final revised  Calendar for 2013- 2014. Please note the start times and the posted play of the day coordinators. 
The link to this page is to the right of this column. Just click on it and it will open the page.  


Tuesday, December 17, 2013

Find the Results for the Weekly December Games on the  Weekly Golf  Results Page. 

   Please forgive any  errors or omissions.

Games coordinators for January
Sharon Kreise, Mary Ann Doyle, Michelle Davis
with help from Sandra Howard 

Sign up for the Blythe Invitational January 22,2014 
and or 
the Tri Palms Par 3 Ladies Fun Day January 28, 2014
details on the bulletin board in the CSA Hall

Tuesday, November 5, 2013

A New Year for the Lake Tamarisk Ladies Golf Club by Sandra Howard

Well ladies it is time for a new golf year to begin at Lake Tamarisk. I am looking forward to it and I hope you are too. As your Ladies Club Tournament Chairperson I am hoping to make this a fun season.
By the time you read this the first ladies day will have been played. I hope it was not too hot and that there was a good turnout.
Unfortunately I've missed opening day but thanks to Nancy our President, and the rest of the team we already have the Play of the Day for November and the rest of the year set out.

Play of the Day for November 2013
Coordinators Joan Wilkinson and Emmy Kuyper

Nov. 5 7:45 registration business meeting.  LT scramble- 9 holes

Nov. 12 8:00 registration             2 person better ball

Nov. 19 8:00 registration          Plain Vanilla  Gross/Net
Nov. 26 8:00 registration                     Coloured Ball (if you lose the ball,
 play but you are out of the competition 
prize money)

 See the full schedule on the  2013 Winter 2014 Spring Calendar page.

Again this  year we will all keep a personal scorecard for each ladies day game.  These personal cards are filed at the end of your game in the plastic file box in the CSA hall. Keeping a personal score card for each game takes the pressure off the person keeping the group card. In case the  person keeping the group card misses a hole you have your card to check against and you won't have to guess what happened.  
 As your Tournament Chair I  will be happy to help anyone who has questions about scoring.  For some games you are asked to record your net and/or gross score and for our invitational tournament you should be aware of what popping is all about. You also need to pop your cards if you are playing in match play. I know that many of you understand all this stuff but we have a few newer golfers who have just taken up golf or have never belonged to a ladies club. Knowledge is key, so please ask if you have scoring questions.

For your information, this year Nancy Smith who won The Match Play Tournament last year will be running the Match play tournament. I am sure she would like to have lots of ladies sign up. Please don't be scared of match play it is a fun tournament that is taken somewhat seriously by those who play in it but it is just a golf game like any other. By using handicaps each player is given a level playing field to compete at. If you want to practice  match play challenge someone (me for instance) or your husband to a matchplay game and see how it works. It is one way to see the low handicap players sweat.  

Please arrive on time for Ladies day. Putting the groups together is a time consuming process which is made more difficult when people arrive late. 

As the season progresses I will need help with different activities which will include the club championship, our invitational/open, fun days etc. Please let me know if you have any special interest in helping in any of these tournaments.


......"Just got a brand new set of clubs for my husband."
"Oh, what a good trade........"

Wednesday, March 6, 2013

NUTS? Who says we're NUTS?

A question that came up at the board meeting on Monday was "How can we get more of our members to contribute?" The officers wondered if we should do things differently to get more of our ladies at Tuesday play and more volunteering for leadership roles in the club.  

We know that golf is a game of individuals.  Occasionally, we play games within that general game which emphasize teamwork.  Yesterday's Lake Tamarisk Invitational best two scores per hole handicapped format allowed each player within the foursome to contribute to the team.  It was a perfect way to add team spirit to a mixture of players from our own club and those from Blythe, Indio, and Tri-Palms. Thanks to Tournament Director Patti Cockcroft for an excellently conceived and executed round of competitive golf.  Everything ran smoothly from preparing the cards to announcing the winners.  I call Patti "Her Awesomeness" for good reason.  But an even better example of great teamwork was the way the entire Lake Tamarisk Ladies' Golf Club chipped, pitched, and putted in to make the Invitational a success. Sandy Haeger and her gang of volunteers put on a festive luncheon without the benefit of getting to play.  The  majority of the breakfast and the lunch salads and sandwiches were homemade in the kitchens of our members. One member who shall remaining unnamed but usually plays nine holes and has a daughter serving as club scribe and party planner,  played even when she found out that she wasn't just signed up to offer her cart but had to actually drive it and be part of the tournament.  Raffle baskets were donated by club members.  Jim Coy and Art Futa graciously computed the scorecards.  Volunteers from the Men's Club carried golf clubs to carts and Ken Stamp and Walt Gamble made certain that our long putts were correctly measured. Even the course restrooms were "Spiffed" by volunteers. 

The board didn't bring the discussion of involvement to a conclusion on Monday and some questions remain unanswered.  But I'd say from what I observed yesterday, we've got pretty lovely bunch of coconuts as is. Thanks, ladies.

ps Check out the bulletin board.  We will be voting on a new constitution. There are no major changes but it puts us a bit more in compliance with current practices. The new draft is printed below for your reading pleasure. Questions?  Concerns?  Talk to your board to join the constitution committee.

New Constitution
Suggested by board March 4, 2013
To be voted on at the March 26th Business Meeting which will follow club play

Article I- Name
The name of this organization shall be Lake Tamarisk Ladies’ Golf Club.

Article II- Purpose
a.     Our first purpose shall be to promote the interest of golf among the women of Lake Tamarisk and surrounding areas.
b.     Our second purpose shall be to provide weekly competition November through April according to USGA rules.

Article III- Government
The management and full control of affairs and property of the Lake Tamarisk Ladies’ Golf Club shall be vested in a Board of Directors consisting of the following:  President, Vice-President, Secretary, Treasurer, Tournament Chair, and Social Chair.

Article IV- Officers
a.     Duties
i)     The President shall preside at all organization business meetings and board meetings.  She shall oversee the implementation of the Rules and Membership Directory.
ii)    The Vice-President shall perform the duties of any absent board members and assist with the board member’s requests.
iii)  The Secretary shall keep full and accurate account of all business and board meetings and present copies of the same to the President prior to the next business or board meeting.
iv)  The Treasurer shall keep a full and accurate accounting of all monies received, and shall deposit the same in the organization bank account.  She shall disburse funds as directed by the President or majority vote of the membership.  The Treasurer’s accounts shall be audited yearly, prior to the April business meeting, by a committee appointed by the President.
v)    The Tournament Chair plans, schedules, and conducts all organization golf competition.  She selects and purchases with board approval all yearly prizes.  She may appoint and instruct monthly play of the day coordinators, side game coordinator or coordinators, and chairs of organization tournaments.  In addition, she is responsible for all competition rules and regulation interpretation unless a specific Rules Chair is appointed.
vi)  The Social Chair arranges, supervises, or delegates responsibility for all organization social functions and informs members of the same.        
b.     Elections
i)     The board shall appoint a nominating committee to prepare a slate of nominations for offices to be presented to the membership at the March business meeting.  Additional nominations may be made from the membership at the meeting. 
ii)    The election will be held following nominations and shall be by voice, unless there is more than one candidate for an office, in which case the election for that office shall be by written ballot.
iii)  Any vacancy in office shall be filled by a majority vote of the board with a majority approval of members present at the following business meeting.
iv)  New officers shall assume duties at the April business meeting.

Article V- Changes to the Constitution
The constitution may be changed or amended by approval of two-thirds of the organization members present at any business meeting provided that written notification of said changes or amendments be presented at a previous business meeting.  Members not able to attend the meeting where the vote is taken may provide prior written instructions to the President as to how their votes shall be cast.

Article VI- Procedures
a.     Business meetings shall be governed by a simple interpretation of Roberts Rules of Order, Revised, as they pertain to this organization.
b.     General organization operating procedures shall be explained in the Rules and Membership Directory.
c.      Changes in organization operating procedures may be suggested to the board for consideration or presented at a regular business meeting for membership vote.  Approval by the majority of organization membership is required for a vote on operating procedures to pass.    


Thursday, February 7, 2013

Lake Tamarisk Ladies Golf Par Three Day

Jim and Art Get instructions for setting up the course.

Our fearless leader and the hostesses with the mostest.
 Worker bees.


Now for on the course.

Walt where were you when I needed you on #1?

Our reward.....

Gary,Rod,Bill and Barry  Thankyou.

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Wednesday, December 19, 2012

Hello Winter, Goodbye Fall

Yesterday the official Lake Tamarisk Ladies' Golf fall season came to a close with a lively game of "Bingo Bango Bongo" officiated by Play-of-the-Day coordinators Nancy Smith and Shirley Miller.  The next two Tuesdays are Christmas and New Years Days with an informal gathering of red and white attired lady golfers invited to meet at the caddy shack on the 25th for "Santa Play" at 8am and on the lst all attendees should arrive 30 minutes later at 8:30am for "Hang Over" net play.

Myrnie, Sandy and Sandy prior to the Hot and Humid

 We can't skip past November without thanking Joan Wilkinson and Emmy Kuyper for organizing our monthly play of the day. (Thanks to Jackie Davies for assisting on the 27th.)  Another round of applause goes to Brenda Reid for the outrageously scrumptious buffet lunch and refreshing beverages following our first of the season Hot and Humid Lake Tamarisk Scramble on November 6th.( Results of both November and December games are to be found in the column to the right.)  Club members have invited golfers back to their homes for brown bag lunches on those days when the CSA hall is not used.  Kudos to date to Nancy Rothwell and  Joy Helton.  While we're at it- thanks also to Nancy for purchasing the plants and battling the red ants during her planting of our caddy shack flower bed. 

At the December business meeting we introduced a new format for the traditional Christmas party and new side games for Tuesday play.  Eileen Gray explained how hitting a tree during play may make you rich and has organized a December money pot for that and another couple of future games.  She will oversee the new Eclectic Tournament recording system beginning the second week in January.  (More on that at the January business meeting Jan 8th.) 

Golf skills are not necessary on this hole.
Our final fall social activity on Saturday Dec 15th was the traditional Christmas Party transformed into a holiday shotgun progressive golf tournament/food fest organized by Social Chair Brenda Reid and the  Haeger, Quate, Oyler gang of elves.  There were reports of singing, putting, shag bag ball guessing, and golf cart decoration contests at each of the four golf holes/homes with dessert and Rod Reid "Tom and Jerrys" at the final CSA hall/hole.  Observers report high spirits and festive carts careening around Lake Tamarisk beginning at 4pm and dancing at the 5th hole well into the wee hours (at least 9pm!)  The Men's Club helped with set up/clean up and the post dessert entertainment.

A festive entry
After all this, who won?  All the party goers, of course!  But a special shout out goes to the foursomes marshaled by Gary Fleming who fared best in the sometimes confused but always amusing hole competitions.  Early polling suggests overwhelming support for a similar experience next year.

          *     *     *     *     *     *     *

Jan 8

Registration 8:15am with business meeting to follow and play at 9am.

Jan 15, 22, 29
Registration 8:30am, play at 9am.  

Wednesday, November 7, 2012

A Poem to get you in the mood for this season

Golf poem..........

In my hand I hold a ball, white and dimpled, rather small.
Oh, how bland it does appear, this harmless looking little sphere.
By its size I could not guess, the awesome strength it does possess.
But since I fell beneath its spell, I've wandered through the fires of hell.
My life has not been quite the same, since I chose to play this stupid game.
It rules my mind for hours on end, a fortune it has made me spend.
It has made me yell, curse and cry... I hate myself and want to die.

It promises a thing called par, if I can hit it straight and far.
To master such a tiny ball, should not be very hard at all.
But my desires the ball refuses, and does exactly as it chooses.
It hooks and slices, dribbles and dies, and even disappears before my eyes.
Often it will have a whim, to hit a tree or take a swim.
With miles of grass on which to land, it finds a tiny patch of sand.
Then has me offering up my soul, if only it would find the hole.
It's made me whimper like a pup, and swear that I will give it up..
And take to drink to ease my sorrow, but the ball knows ....
I'll be back tomorrow.

author unknown...

Saturday, April 28, 2012

New Bulletin Board Correction

As you can see Nancy likes our new bulletin board but she is sharp and after a Grammar lesson  we have corrected our misplaced apostrophe. Apologies to all who noticed before we corrected it. A  little glue stick and all is well.
P.S. I also corrected the spelling of bulletin and got away with that one.
From now on I will get Bebe to edit for me and catch these pesky mistakes. This is after all a team effort.

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Friday, April 27, 2012

Bulletin Board Lake Tamarisk CSA Hall April 2012




A little TLC and our old board is front and center at the CSA hall. Sheree Q, Elsie W and Sandra H spent a little time and a little money to give this old board new life. The first of new things to come for our revitalized  club. Please bring on the ideas. We had fun working together to make a fresh start .  Note the  tree sporting all those birdies and an eagle from this last season. Your tournament committee has been shaking out ideas for next year and I think you are going to like what we come up with. Embrace change it's good for your health 
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Wednesday, April 25, 2012

April 11th Informal Club Chat

Early April assorted board and committee members held a scramble at Casa Verde, Fountain Cove, Lake Tamarisk.  It was billed as an impromptu and informal golf club chat but ended up as a vicious battle of wills.  Some of us successfully elbowed for large pieces of Brenda’s sticky buns while others stole extra pieces of her glazed coffee cake and Sandra’s tasty treat.  After serious sugar and high octane coffee the only truly coherent contribution to the discussion came from the water sipping sweets abstaining Eileen,  “We should do this again in the fall.  We could-” “Yeah,” Bernie cut in with gusto, “meet, eat pastries, and yell out our thoughts.  The more the merrier.”  Jean quickly quipped, “I think, Bernie, she means something like a ladies’ golf club roundtable discussion for anyone interested.” “That’s an awesome idea,” said Sandy.  “Yes,” continued Jean, “the business meetings seem so rushed with people eager to go golfing that we don’t have time really to talk and-” Brenda caught the enthusiasm, “We could be more relaxed and less confrontational.  Is that what you meant, Eileen?” “You mean like a group chat about golf issues?” “Held on a non ladies’ golf day?” “Maybe once a month?” “And a summary of the discussion would be shared with those not in attendance?” several asked at once. All eyes were on Eileen, but before all the mouths started back up she smiled and said, “Yes, something like that.”

Other thoughts whipped up that morning:
  •             Having Sandra continue the web blog as a communication aid
  •             A new golf club booklet put together by Sandy with member and golf info
  •             Include interested members to board meetings to prepare them as officers
  •             Talking more directly with the men’s club regarding issues
  •             An improvement committee in the fall to suggest ways to spend our money
  •             Ways to keep both the social and competitive aspects of the club strong

Respectfully unscrambled,
Nancy Oyler